3 Ways Teachers Can Use the Hero’s Journey Framework

Build resilience, empathy and meaning.

David Weller
5 min readNov 2, 2022


Photo by Mehdi MeSSrro on Unsplash

This article was first published on barefootTEFLteacher.com — head over to subscribe and get updated first.

Every student that chooses to learn a language is on their own hero’s journey.

The hero’s journey is a story outline of someone going on an adventure, encountering troubles and returning successfully. Popular stories have used this framework for thousands of years — from Hercules to Harry Potter.

Interestingly, the hero’s journey also maps onto our students’ learning and our own teaching experience.

We can use this knowledge to build empathy, resilience, and deeper meaning.

Let’s dig deeper.

The Hero’s Journey

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” — Joseph Campbell

The hero’s journey breaks down into a series of steps. The story starts and ends in the ordinary world, but the hero is a very different person by the end — they’ve been transformed by their experiences.

The hero’s journey was popularised by Joseph Campbell, but we’ll use the updated framework by Christopher Vogler.

  1. The ordinary world — life…



David Weller

Lessons, stories and visuals to develop your language teaching and learning. 20 years in education, 3 books, and a twice-monthly newsletter.